The power of bulk SMS to take your business to strategic heights


SMS as the name suggests is an effective way to be in touch with your client base. It means you can compose messages within 160 characters and inform clients of promotions, discounts or any offers. In fact what your customer needs to know about your business it is possible to communicate it to them.

SMS marketing can be used in various ways. For example banks send transactional SMS to their customers informing banking details. Other companies use bulk SMS to inform customers about new offers and work towards a step of lead generation. A bulk SMS can be posted on to the hands of a potential customer. A notable feature of bulk SMS is that most customers have mobile phones in their hands already. What it means is that they get messages immediately. You will be surprised to note that nearly 95 % of messages are read within a minute or so. In addition a message finding its way on to the spam folder is relatively less.

Working towards a database

To build a subscriber list is an easy task. Just you have to inform your customers to sign up as they would receive deals or special offers. Most of the people would love to respond to such offers as an option of opt in needs to be provided.

Work on your online presence to harp in more clients. Make it existing on social media or your website that you will be entitled for special deals. You can give a special gift on signing up or discount deals prove to be really effective.


SMS means short messages as the name holds messages needs to be within 160 characters. This is really a skilful task to compose a message and generate positive impact. If a special product or skill is evolved formulate it into a broadcast message. A message has to contain the following details

  • All details of the sale , promotion or offer
  • How it benefits a customer
  • How customers can go on to avail the offer

Do not make the messages exclusively short as it creates a negative impression among clients.

Perfection of the campaign

To avail benefits of bulk SMS service you need to opt for transactional SMS gateway as banks do. They are going to send out the messages in a cheap manner and even track the results. Results work out to be important as they have a positive impact on your campaign.

Before you launch a campaign some testing would help. Just send out messages at different times of the day during different days of the week and see the results for yourself. It would provide you with a clearly outlook on how to redefine your marketing.

Via text messaging marketing you can garner new customers and in the process retain the old ones. Since each one of us are going gaga with our mobile phones it makes sense to work towards an SMS campaign. Positive results would emerge in due course of time.