How To Prevent Theft In Your Retail Store


No retail store is exempt from theft. Both small and big retail stores can be victims of shoplifters or employee theft. The best defense is to put up preventive measures in and around the store. Here are some ways to protect your business from thieves.

Theft prevention starts with your employees. Hire people you trust. Go with your instinct. If a person does not feel right, don’t hire him or her. Train them about theft prevention.

Store layout
Arrange your shelves and furniture in a way that you can easily see everyone from the cashier’s table. It’s also a good idea to have your employees roaming around the store so customers can see them. This is a good deterrent against retail theft. This will discourage both customers and employees from stealing.

Spot a shoplifter
You and your staff must be familiar with the characteristics of a shoplifter. You also need to familiarize yourself with common shoplifting methods. Be able to spot customers with strange behaviour immediately. You can arrange for experts in this field to give you a lecture so you and your staff are knowledgeable.

Don’t leave too much inventory out in your store. Just a few pieces on display will do. Use a computerized inventory system. This way you can easily track if there are missing items. You should know what’s going in and out of your store.

Electronic tags
Electronic tags trigger an alarm if someone tries to leave your store without paying for an item. If you can’t tag all items, just tag the ones that people are most likely to steal and the most valuable items.

Place the items that are easy to shoplift near the register. This includes small items and valuables. This way you or the cashier can always keep an eye on them. If you can, place them inside a glass cabinet that can be locked.

CCTV Systems
Invest in a CCTV camera system. There are a lot of starter packages that are great for small businesses and retail shops as they are affordable and easy to install. You can also get a wireless IP camera so you can monitor your shop wherever you are as long as there is an Internet connection. If you are concerned about aesthetics, dome cameras are inconspicuous and can blend well into your décor. Dome cameras are also good deterrents against outside and employee theft because people don’t know where the camera is pointing at.

Good store management, prevention and clear policies about theft and shoplifting are your best defense against thieves.

Hi, my name is Nan Lee. I am a blogger and entrepreneur. I have a small retail business and I’m also partners with a website about CCTV Camera Systems.