Tips to Help You Keep Your IT Networks Safe

digital safety concept padlock in electronic environment.

Whether you run a small home network of IT hardware or whether you’re responsible for managing your corporate IT provision, you will know the importance of maintaining security and keeping the hardware on your network safe.

To do so, there are several programs and pieces of software that you can make use of, all of which are designed to increase security and reduce the risk of your data being stolen and your systems compromised.

Anti-Virus Software

Although there are several types of anti-virus software available, they all broadly work in the same manner. The most common types are;

  • Anti-virus software which is installed directly to a computer or a series of computers with the intention of protecting them from external attack.
  • Anti-virus software which is deployed from a cloud based server and effectively sits on the network, policing it from unwanted intrusion and preventing each computer or piece of hardware from being accessed without authorisation.

Anti-Malware Software

Similar in nature to viruses, malware are pieces of harmful, executable code which can find their way onto your IT network and cause the execution of scripted code, all with the intention of stealing data or disabling your IT provision.

Malware is detected in much the same way that viruses are, allowing you to purchase an all in one solution or individual anti-virus and malware software.

Application Whitelisting

For additional protection, many corporate IT networks employ a process which is designed to prevent the running of unwanted and unapproved applications and programmes. Application whitelisting will allow a network administrator to create a list of pre-approved programs which have been approved for both installation and use. Once in place, this whitelist will prevent the execution of any programme or piece of software which isn’t on this list.

Harmful viruses and malware are often hidden in seemingly safe programs which are deployed as soon as the host program is run. Whitelisting in conjunction with other forms of protective software are a great line of defence for all IT networks.

Restricting Internet Access

Preventing access to the internet or access to certain websites is a great way to ensure that malicious code isn’t able to find its way onto your computer systems. Whilst most websites are safe, some harbour scripts which are designed to quietly infect your IT network for the purpose of data theft or simply to put computer hardware out of action.

To protect against this, restricting access to sites which haven’t been preapproved can considerably reduce the likelihood of damaging malware finding their way onto your computer systems.

Consider Deploying as Many Defences as Possible

No one line of defence is sufficient in the fight against viruses, malware and data theft. As technology involves, so does the way in which malicious software is designed. For that reason, making use of as many IT protection systems as possible is crucial in keeping your information safe and ensuring that your IT networks never experience downtime due to malicious attacks.