How to apply for Trademark search?


Finding the perfect brand name is one of the most daunting tasks that every business owner needs to go through. It is essential that the brand name they are opting for is unique than the rest. And it was going to be a devastating experience if someone else walks out with the unique brand name that you have found out after days of scribbling and months of brainstorming. So, to make sure that no one walks away with your brand name, it is essential that your trademark your brand name.

With the growing number of brands all around, finding a unique name is not an easy task. And if you manage to find, make sure that you have registered your brand as a trademark. Trademarking a brand means getting a copyright for your brand name. This will provide you with the ownership with the name of the brand and if anyone copies or steal the name, and you have the legal authority to sue them. There are multiple ways which you can use for registering your brand name such as by Number, letter, word, Logo, phrase, Sound Mark, Smell along with a combination of colors as well. So, let us have a look at the process of registering a trademark.

The process of registering a trademark

  1. Search for a unique brand name

The first step towards acquiring trademark registration certificate ifs finding a unique name for your brand. You need to come up with at least 10 to 15 unique as with the growing numbers of brands everywhere, and you won’t know which name is already used. So, having multiple alternatives in case one doesn’t work out is a wise choice. And the best way to come up with a unique brand name is coining words or combining multiple generic words and you can check its availability on trademark public search.

  1. Acquire the trademark application

The next step is to acquire the trademark application which is known as the Form-TM 1 and would cost around INR 3500. You need to fill up the application with the relevant information and submit it along with the required documents. The supporting documents which are needed for the trademark application are:

  1. A concern of the business registration which will solely depend on the type of business that you own. If you have a sole proprietorship, then you will need to submit the ID proof of all the directors of your company along with address proof.
  2. A brand logo image in the standard size of 9 X 5 cm
  3. A Proof of claim that the design hasn’t been used anywhere before even in the other countries
  4. Fill up the application for the registration of the brand name

You can fill the registration form in either two ways which are e-filling or manual filling. If you are manually filling the registration form, then you will need to personally fill up the form and submit it to the Registrar of Trade Marks which are located at the metropolitan locations such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Kolkata. After submitting the form, you will receive a receipt for the application between fifteen to twenty days. And if you are e-filling, you will receive the acknowledgment instantly. And once you have received the acknowledgment, you can use the trademark symbol ™ beside your brand name.

  1. Go through the application before submitting

Before applying, make sure that you have thoroughly gone through all the information that you have provided in the application.

  1. Wait for 120 days after your brand name gets published in the Indian Trade Mark Journal

After 120 days, which is known as the waiting period, if nobody objects, your brand name proceeds for acceptance after which you can use the (®) symbol, which is the registered trademark symbol beside your brand name.

  1. Collect your certification of trademark registration

You will receive your certificate after 15-18 months which will be valid for ten years. The certificate needs to be renewed every ten years.

So, trademark your brand name and logo today and save it from piracy.