How Co-Payments Work in Religare Health Insurance?


Imagine that you are the policyholder of a health insurance and as a result of some unfortunate events, the time has arrived for you stake claim. You have been presented with a bill after being checked out and treated for your medical issues at a hospital endorsed by your health insurance company. Typically, you will be provided cover for the entire expenses according to the terms dictated by your policy. You will thank your stars as you walk out healthier; additionally, you will be happy to be as rich as you were when you were hospitalized. However, Religare health insurance co-pay option work slightly differently.

In this article, we aim to throw light on Religare health coverage co-payment and why the same is a smart, affordable option for you.

What Payment Does Religare Health Insurance Encourage?

In India, numerous insurance companies encourage co-payment after an insured member reaches a certain age. Given below are some important pointers to help you understand the nuances of health insurance co-pay.

1. Part of Expenses to be Borne by the Health Insurance Policyholder

If your Religare insurance policy comes packaged with a co-pay clause, it means that you will have to take care of a certain percentage of the medical expenses on your own. In other words, along with the health insurance coverage provider, you will have to foot the bill for a part of the hospitalization expenses. This co-pay amount is generally a pre-defined fixed amount covering various services and drugs, depending on the nature of medication or treatment required.

Co-pay is effectively that part of the claim amount which has to be borne by you. The co-pay can be an absolute amount or a percentage of the total bill that needs to be paid post-hospitalization. For instance, if the claim stands at INR 10000 and the co-pay is 20 percent, then the insurance provider will pay you INR 8000 (80 percent of INR 10000) while the remaining INR 2000 (20 percent of INR 10000) has to be paid by you. In Religare, Health Insurance plans there is no co-pay for a sum assured amounting to INR 2-4 Lacs. In case the amount is greater, the co-payment option will only be present if the policy was purchased after the holder touches 61 years of age.

2. Features of Health Insurance with Co-Pay Option

Co-pay is applicable only in the term of the validity of the health insurance policy undertaken by you. You may want to check out the payment terms of Religare health insurance on insurance aggregator sites like Do know that the fixed amount is chargeable by the medical services rendered. The best part of taking up health insurance with a high co-pay ratio that’s favorable to the insurer means lower premium for the policyholder. In case of Religare health insurance co-pay, which is mainly helpful for senior citizens, lower premiums are in store for comparatively high protection.

Is Co-payment of Religare Health Insurance Affordable?

Health insurance policies, though expensive, cover much more than hospital bills. They are useful for saving taxes and serve as the perfect safety net for medical expenses. The good news is that you may opt for co-payment of Religare health insurance to get discounts on premium and make your plan more affordable for you.

In general, most health insurances with co-pay enable savings on health insurance for people with the good physical condition and in the prime of health, without any evidence of any past diseases, no history for pre-existing illnesses, etc. A co-pay policy could enable impressive savings for you. So, if you fulfill the criteria of co-pay laid down by Religare health insurance, you will be paying a part of the insurer’s risk and will, therefore, get rewarded through lower health insurance premiums.

Buy Religare Health Insurance helps you get quick access to the best benefits of Religare health insurance co-payment programs. Do check out the features, terms and coverage options of the plan of your choice to get adequate coverage in case of hospitalization. So, linger no longer and get the financial protection you need at the earliest by applying for the best health insurance plan in India.